Our Beliefs

We Believe the Bible is the perfect Word of God. It is without error from beginning to end. We do not trust in visions, dreams or tongues. The Bible is our sole Authority for faith and practice.

We believe that salvation is provided by Jesus Christ and Him alone. It is through his death, burial, and resurrection that men are saved from sin. It is the blood of Jesus that cleanses us from all sin. Works and religion cannot save in any way. The gospel is the power of God unto Salvation. Furthermore, we believe that Christ died for all men and upon the conviction of the Holy Spirit, the repentance of the heart and the confession of the mouth men are Born-Again of God’s Spirit.

We believe in the eternal salvation of all believers. Once a person trusts in Christ, they are forever kept by the power of God and can never be lost. Salvation is truly everlasting life. However, those who have trusted Christ are His and will obey Him and His Word. We believe a person cannot live any way they so desire and be a Christian. The Bible declares that a person will be a new creature in Christ.

We believe in the Bible doctrine of the Trinity. We believe in one God, co-existing in three persons: The Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. It is the father who planned our salvation, his Son Jesus who provided our forgiveness and the Spirit of God who seals our state before God. Furthermore, at the moment of salvation, we receive all of God’s Spirit. We do not get more of God, rather we must surrender more of ourselves to him on a daily basis.

We believe that the Local New Testament Church is God’s ordained institution. It is through individual bodies of believers that the Great Commission is carried on throughout the world.

These stated beliefs do not exhaust the extent of our faith. The Bible itself is the sole and final source of all that we believe.